Iceland. Oh dear Iceland. Never have we ever had such a wonderful experience. This place is bringing everything to the table. On this beautiful island you’ll find mountains, glacisers, volcanoes, black beaches, the biggest amount of sheeps and horses. If you wanna experience all this in one country, this is 100% the place to go…
Visit Kyoto, the old part of Japan
Compared to Tokyo, its like Kyoto froze in time. With the old buildings, bamboo forests, shrines and tempels, it should be on everyone´s bucket list.If you really wanna discover the old fashioned culture of japan, this is the place to go. Kyoto was served as Japan’s capital and the emperor´s residence from 794 until 1868. It is one of…
Amsterdam, the city of canals and flowers
Back in march 2022, we went to Amsterdam for 3 days. These days ended up being intense but without us even realisering it. We went from Copenhagen airport at 6 am Friday morning and where standing at the hotel, right outside Amsterdam at 9 am. So we had 3 full days, since our flight Sunday…